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Two Ways to the MBA Degree: New Flexible Structure at HHL

Pressemeldung von: HHL gGmbH - 14.01.2014 15:08 Uhr
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Two Ways to the MBA Degree: New Flexible Structure at HHL
In order to meet the individual requirements and career aspirations of its national and international students, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management now offers a Fast Track option for its full-time MBA program in addition to the Advanced Track version. While the Fast Track may be completed after a 12-months period on campus plus 3 months for the master thesis, the extended Advanced Track is set up to last up to 21 months. The Fast Track program mainly addresses the needs of participants with five or more years of professional experience, allowing them to return to work after only one year. The longer Advanced Track program is an option best suited for junior executives with three to five years of professional experience and international students. The benefits of the Advanced Track include a greater variety of electives, an optional term abroad, an internship and/or a German language course, which might be of particular interest to the international participants. Further information: http://www.hhl.de/mba

Tailored to the needs of students and companies: the new structure of the full-time MBA program at HHL.

HHL Dean Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart comments, "With the introduction of a Fast Track and an Advanced Track, we have made HHL's full-time MBA even more attractive to prospective students and companies nationally and internationally. All over the world, we have noticed a trend towards one-year programs, as many employees cannot give up their jobs for international training for such a long period of time anymore. HHL responds to these requirements with the new Fast Track option within its full-time MBA program while providing its students with an excellent international network in addition to a well-founded expansion of their academic and practical management skills."
With regard to the Advanced Track, Prof. Dr. Pinkwart says, "Our Advanced Track option includes a double career aspect. We have been assured of the benefits by companies as well as our MBA graduates. Students from abroad in particular find that the optional internship and/or German course help pave the way for a career entry here. Companies, on the other hand, benefit from the proactive contact with high potential candidates. For them, it is a way to fill the shortage in skilled staff resulting from the demographic gap."

"Career Prospects with an MBA from HHL" online information event on January 30, 2014

On Thursday, January 30, 2014, 4pm, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management will host an online information event on career prospects with an MBA degree. Participants will have the opportunity to find out about the Career Service at the first business school established in Germany. During the event, the new structure of HHL's MBA program and the admission requirements will also be explained. Moreover, the participants can inquire about details on financing, the option to spend a term abroad or the housing and living situation in the university city Leipzig. Information and registration: http://youtu.be/K73XuAiJq1g or http://www.hhl.de/events

The Master Program in General Management (MBA) at HHL

The MBA program offered by HHL, which is taught in English, is considered one of the best independently developed programs of this kind in Germany. The proportion of international students in this HHL program is approximately 80 percent, an outstanding figure in the global comparison of full-time MBA programs. Since its introduction in the year 2000, the full-time MBA program has focused on teaching management and leadership skills in a global context. This is supported by an innovative curriculum and 28 lecturers from seven countries. They provide students with an insight into the latest scientific management approaches in a global context. The practical relation is ensured by teaching content with practical relevance including case studies, a field project accompanying the program or an optional internship abroad. International Management is not only taught but also integrated into everyday life at HHL thanks to the international background of the students and professors. The international cross-linking of the program is denoted by substantial cooperation with universities abroad. From Australia to the U.S. - HHL has more than 110 partner universities worldwide. The students have the opportunity to spend a term at one of these partner universities. The intensive and professional counseling for students from the initial contact to the alumni network must be emphasized. A Career Service accompanies students from the day they are admitted to the program until the successful conclusion of a job search. Further information: http://www.hhl.de/mba

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

HHL is a university-level institution and ranks amongst the leading international business schools. The goal of the oldest business school in German-speaking Europe is to educate effective, responsible and entrepreneurially-minded leaders. HHL stands out for its excellent teaching, its clear research focus, its effective knowledge transfer into practice as well as its outstanding student services. HHL is accredited by AACSB International. http://www.hhl.de

Volker Stößel
Jahnallee 59

04109 Leipzig

E-Mail: volker.stoessel@hhl.de
Homepage: http://www.hhl.de
Telefon: 0341-9851-614

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Die HHL ist eine universitäre Einrichtung und zählt zu den führenden internationalen Business Schools. Ziel der ältesten betriebswirtschaftlichen Hochschule im deutschsprachigen Raum ist die Ausbildung leistungsfähiger, verantwortungsbewusster und unternehmerisch denkender Führungspersönlichkeiten. Neben der internationalen Ausrichtung spielt die Verknüpfung von Theorie und Praxis eine herausragende Rolle. Die HHL zeichnet sich aus durch exzellente Lehre, klare Forschungsorientierung und praxisnahen Transfer sowie hervorragenden Service für ihre Studierenden.

Volker Stößel
Jahnallee 59

04109 Leipzig

E-Mail: volker.stoessel@hhl.de
Homepage: http://www.hhl.de
Telefon: 0341-9851-614
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